Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Types of Guns

There are several types of guns today. As time goes by guns and technology evolves.

From a single barrel pistol into a single shot rifle and eventually it becomes an automatic rifle that can fire a 100 rounds per minute.

That's a beauty of technology fused with ingenuity to make weapons of today.

So here is the list of the types of guns:

Military Firearms:
- Long Gun
- Personal Defense Weapon
- Rifle
- Shotgun
- Sub Machine Gun

Machine Guns:
- Gatling Gun
- Machine Gun
- Mini Gun

Auto Cannon:
- Autocannon
- Chain Gun

Tank Guns:
- .50BMG

Artillery Guns:
- Artillery Guns
* Howitzer
* Carronade

Guns for Leisure and Entertainment:

Hunting Guns:
- Elephant Gun
- Express Rifle
- Muzzleloader
- Breechloader

Training/Simulation Guns:
- BB Gun
- Paintball Gun
- Airsoft Gun
- Water Gun

Explanation on each of this types will be up next...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Meaning of a GUN

My first offering to you...the meaning of a gun.

There are only 4 out of 10 people around the globe knows the exact meaning of gun. 3 of them considers it as a weapon and only 1 as evil.

Evil? well let us just study the guns' terminology...In modern parlance, a gun is a projectile weapon using a hollow, tubular barrel with a closed end—the breech—as the means for directing the projectile as well as other purposes—an expansion chamber for propellant, stabilizing the projectile's trajectory, aiming, etc.—and assumes a generally flat trajectory for the projectile.

The use of gun is interchangeable with cannon as it was borrowed from the 15th century French language.

All evil that I can see here is the interchangeable terms from the old French language....Evil in a sense that it corrupts the people's mind in thinking what is the correct term to be used in this premise..."May I borrow your (Cannon) instead of gun...."

Anyway...guns for me is not evil at all...it is the people who carries such mindset thinking that a gun is work of evil.


Well guns are all mighty indeed. They can be a source of power. A weapon that can manipulate people due to fear. But I think let us not treat this as evil but as our friend. But in military it is considered as a wife...a lifetime partner...

But even though how big or small they are it cannot kill people. They are only things in our life that offers great opportunities. Opportunity to excel in a career (pistol shooting), enjoy leisure (hunting, soft air competition), and trade.

Here we can make some studies regarding guns of our time and I can offer some overviews on guns.